本中心的四證書國際認證 NLP 課程由博士級商業心理學家任教,可申請持續進修基金。



HPHI Education Limited


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1. 我已被告知會被催眠/催眠的範圍,我同意治療師的話及願意與治療師合作。
2. 我知道結果會發生變化,治療師不能保證所有結果。
3. 催眠非醫療、 藥物或精神科服務。
4. 我理解治療師不會治療不合法行為。
5. 在某些情況下,可能是必要的,讓治療師觸摸你的肩膀、手、 腕、關節或以説明我放鬆 的額頭。
6. 我有權在任何時間中止服務。
7. 我明白治療師會保守秘密,除非對話內容涉及我或其他人的生命危險。
8. 我理解治療師會保障雙方的利益,可能會記錄雙方的對話。
9. 我願意配合治療師,與治療師共同商討治療目標。
10. 治療過程中,治療師不會強迫你分享你不想分享的部份。



1. I have been advised of the scope of hypnosis/hypnotherapy practice and I give my full consent to receiving hypnosis/hypnotherapy sessions.
2. I understand that results vary and that the practitioner may not guarantee results.
3. Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy is not a replacement for medical treatment or psychiatric services.
4. I understand that the Hypnotist/Hypnotherapist does not treat, prescribe for or diagnose any condition.
5. I am aware and understand that in some cases it may be necessary for the practitioner to respectfully touch my shoulder(s), hand, wrist, or forehead in order to assist me in relaxation. I give the practitioner permission and consent to do so in order to help me establish a beneficial state of hypnosis.
6. I have been advised that I am free to terminate any or all sessions at any time.
7. I understand that confidentially regarding my sessions will be honored unless the practitioner feels that I or someone else are in danger.
8. I understand that sessions may be recorded for my own protection and for that of the practitioner. I have been informed that copies of all recordings are available to me but will not be made available to any third party excluding HPHI.
9. I will cooperate with the practitioner in order to achieve the counseling goals.
10. Practitioner will not force you to share what you do not want in every session.

Please remember to switch off your mobile phone during our sessions.

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